Thursday, May 8, 2008

1st Post: Anne Frank

What do you know already about the Holocaust?
Some things I knew about the Holocaust was that it was an event where many Jews had died from the Nazis. I knew that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were the people who persecuted Jews. I also knew that Jews would wear a yellow star on their clothes and that meant that they were Jews. I read part of Anne Frank’s diary and I found out that Jews were sent to camps. In the camps, they were forced to go into this room with showers. The Nazis would lie that they would be taking showers or something but when the Jews go into the room, the Nazis lock the door and poison gas fills the room. I also read that all the Jews had to have their hair shaved or something. In the camps, Jews had died very brutally and they were treated very badly. I saw pictures of Jews who were climbing the camp’s fences and pulling it when the Allies forces came and freed them. They were so skinny and dirty looking and with rags on. I also read that the Jews had to dig holes and work for Germany’s army and that they were shot if they tried to run. There are many books I read when I was in 7th grade about the Holocaust and all of them were about a person who was a Jew and was sent to one of the camps.

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