Sunday, March 30, 2008

3rd Post: So Far From the Bamboo Grove

I think that this book is a very good book after reading it. It as kinda funny but also very serious at times. It is depressing and makes you want to cry too. It also is a true story and it gives you a perspective of how times were during the times of the WW2 and during the rule of the Japanese over Korea. Some feelings I had while reading this book was sorrow, but also kind of happiness. I recommend you read this book because it tells you the hardships of a girl’s life during the time of war and to feel the loss of a parent. How would you feel during those times? This book tells some impressive stuff and I think you would want to read it. Have a nice day. BYebye


Christine said...

i really want to read this book because it's from a Japanese person's view of looking at theKoreans and the war.
by the way, did you really CRY?XD

Vincent Bang said...

I would also want to read it if it is from a Japanese person's view. That would be interesting! Japanese and korea were major enemies during this time. I don't know how the japanese thought like, so it would interesting.

Steve said...

i found this quite ironic